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Giveaway: Prisoner of the Mind Box Set

I recently hooked up Comic Noize with a limited edition, pre-released, signed,  box set of issue number one and two of the trade release of Prisoner of the Mind Graphic Novel which will be out later this year. Comic Noize set up a nice little contest to giveaway the box set for one lucky collector. Check out the details here at Comic Noize. Thanks B!

What's in the box? Well, at first glance before you open the case you might think it was an FNX Tactical .45  pistol used by special forces for your next secret assignment. Not so, assuming you accept this mission, you will find a signed copy of the first two issues of Prisoner of the Mind, pre-printed. Also included are several limited edition stickers, a limited edition Prisoner of the Mind Tee Shirt and (something) in an envelope... If you want it, visit Comic Noize to get it!


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